The Faberge crystal egg has long been a work of art that’s both rich in history and in value. The original Faberge eggs were created by Peter Carl Faberge in his studios in Russia from 1885-1917. Faberge was already a renowned jewelry designer. When he was first brought into the royal Russian court to create jewelry for the Imperial family. The Imperial family had little left to want; things of monetary value were commonly found all around them. So they gave more importance to and desired things of beauty and intricacy. That’s exactly what Faberge created for them.

The First Egg

Alexander III commissioned Faberge to create an egg for his wife. Empress Fyodorovna, in 1885 as a way to continue the Russian tradition of giving eggs to one another on Easter. Faberge designed the first egg, the Hen Egg as it became known, and with it started a trend in the Imperial family that spanned many decades. The Hen Egg was plainly white on the outside and opened up to a yellow ‘yolk.’ The ‘yolk’ then opened to reveal a tiny hen sitting on a golden nest. Inside this hen was another surprise: a miniature replica of the Imperial crown, holding a small ruby pendant. While the ruby pendant was the true gift, the egg itself played an important role as an impressive and expensive form of gift wrapping.

When other members of the Imperial family saw this gift. They immediately took a liking to it. Shortly after began their own family tradition of gifting these valuable eggs to each other. This kept Faberge busy from 1885-1917. While every one of the 49 eggs that followed the Hen Egg was unique. They all shared the common theme of having a surprise inside, making a grand total of 50 gift-wrapping eggs. They are also all very expensive, many of them costing millions of dollars. Mostly because of the precious gems embedded in them. The Faberge egg has become an iconic piece of history that’s treasured by collectors, artists, and the general public alike.

What Happened to the Faberge Eggs?

Faberge passed away in 1920, but his legacy didn’t stop there. People continued to cherish his works of art and kept them close as a sign of Russian history. During this time many revolutions and wars broke out in Russia and the surrounding areas. Displacing these eggs from those who loved them the most. Because Faberge wasn’t around. Some of these eggs were lost. With only 42 left whose whereabouts are known to the world.

What Is a Faberge Replica and Why Do People Buy Them?

That explains why there are so many Faberge crystal egg replicas. Just like anything else that captures the hearts and minds of people. Many wanted to have a version of these beautiful and elusive eggs for themselves. As time wore on, the Faberge eggs began to gain popularity in places other than Russia. Even traveling overseas and in the most unknowing places. People from all around the world began to see the beauty and value of these eggs. They quickly became a coveted piece. By this time, art dealers and museums caught on to how precious the Faberge eggs were. The originals were quickly bought by museums. Others to be put in a display for the public or in a private collection.

On the other hand, some people didn’t want to only see the Faberge eggs from behind a glass. So, many people created a replica of the Faberge eggs to sell them and profit from Faberge’s ideas. While others created new eggs following his general line of design to emulate his creativity in a new way. Although this makes it difficult for anyone who wants to buy an original Faberge egg. There are many Faberge egg replicas for sale online and in stores. Especially for people who like the design and overall idea. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have millions of dollars lying around to purchase with.

How Do You Spot a Faberge Egg Replica?

To the untrained eye and the unknowing mind. It’s difficult to distinguish between an imitation Faberge egg and the real deal. One of the best ways to see a genuine Faberge egg is to visit museums. Like in Cleveland or even St. Petersburg, Russia. If you’re looking to purchase an egg online or in stores. Chances are you’re looking at an imitation Faberge egg. All of the original eggs have been auctioned to museums or private collectors, but if you run into a reputable dealer or museum auctioneer, you might get your hands on one.

It’s easy to tell the difference between a Faberge egg replica if you know what you’re looking for. Faberge replicas are often over decorated with imperial symbols. It’s especially telling if you see continental symbols that weren’t around during Faberge’s time, like a double-headed eagle. Another quality to watch for is the enameling on the egg. Faberge was a master of enameling. Any piece of his would have an impeccably clean and well-done job of this. Tainted enameling and heavily struck pieces are dead giveaways that you have a Faberge egg replica.

Faberge Egg Replicas for Sale

If you enjoy art and its deep historical connection to every nation of every part of the world. Chances are you’re looking for a Faberge egg replica for sale. Whether you want to start your own replica collection or want to give it as a gift to someone. There are many online stores you can purchase one from. One of these stores includes the ever-popular Amazon. Amazon has many different styles of Faberge replicas at various price points. As well as clear pictures and descriptive catalog features. So you can be sure that the egg you’re buying is the egg you actually want. While finding an original Faberge crystal egg is almost impossible nowadays. Online merchants like Amazon make it easier for the general public to own and enjoy a much more cost-efficient. Yet an equally beautiful version of a classic piece of art. 

3 responses to “How to Distinguish Real Faberge Egg Compared to Replica?”

  1. Sancho says:

    You can check out our store if you wish

  2. Susan Himmler says:

    James are you still looking for a replica of a Faberge egg?

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